XRP Robot Kit BETA

The 3d-printable components of the XRP Robot Kit BETA.
updated March 14, 2025



Printed in PETG. Everything prints and fits nicely. =)

Addictive. Can't stop making mods for it

we need the official fusion 360 cad files!!!

Such a great idea, having kids print out the robot body. It came out great! I used my last roll of precious Prusament PETG Galaxy Black. I increased the XY separation distance on the supports because of the last commenters experience and had no trouble at all. Pictured with the robot balls from the SparkFun electronics kit fitted.

Easy to print, difficult to post process.
I printed the holey model in PETG with the recommended parameters. The printing went well, despite some humidity issues. But the post processing is another story. While cleaning one of the motor prongs broke (might be due to humidity), and was easily fixed with glue. But removing the support is another story, because the gap between the built-in support and the frame is too small. I had to use knifes, pliers and force to get some off, and stopped when I teared the frame apart. I am now lookingto remove the remaining with a dremel. I recommend removing those supports and using organic support instead.

Also a picture with the locations where there are supports would be useful.

Other than that, battery pack holder was hard to insert and had to trim it with a knife.

Also missing stl files for the tires and spheres.

Anyhow, it has been printed, see you at the competition 😉

Do you have the STEP or f3d files? I am going to enter in the robotics contest.

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@DanC_1114749 you can export the step files from there or I could give them to you if you're not sure how to export on Onshape

@DanC_1114749 With Jacob's permission, I posted an exported STEP file from today (06/20/2024) of his unofficial OnShape model to use with other CAD tools. I did check that the STEP file of Jacob's model appears to open nicely in Fusion 360: https://www.printables.com/model/918607-jacob-williams-unofficial-xrp-kit-cad-model-step-f (edited)

Perfect print, 14 hours on Prusa Mk3s with Polymaker PLA for FRC team practice robots.

The built in support separated easily.

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