Gridfinity baseplates for Harbor Freight parts organizer - medium (cut)

Fitted baseplate for the Harbor Freight "20 Bin Medium Portable Parts Storage Case"
updated September 10, 2023



This baseplate fits the Harbor Freight medium sized small-parts organizer (this one). I took the original one piece model and cut it into 5 pieces to fit on the Bambu build plate.

The placement/orientation is as follows:

  • hf_medium_min_base-p1 = Main Center
  • hf_medium_min_base-p2 = Right Rear
  • hf_medium_min_base-p3 = Left Rear
  • hf_medium_min_base-p4 = Right Front
  • hf_medium_min_base-p5 = Left Front


  • hf_medium_skel_base-p1 = Main Center
  • hf_medium_skel_base-p2 = Right Rear
  • hf_medium_skel_base-p3 = Left Rear
  • hf_medium_skel_base-p4 = Right Front
  • hf_medium_skel_base-p5 = Left Front

The orientation assumes the handle of the organizer is facing you.

You can superglue the pieces together but the tolerances are such that they should just press fit together assuming you use the install order of 1 to 5.


Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Differences of the remix compared to the original

I took the original one piece model and cut it into 5 pieces to fit on a Bambu build plate.
