When painting and finishing woodworking projects, I'll often use scrap chunks of wood to support a painted face and clean it up afterwards. I finally got around to designing a small (3.5cm tall) pyramid or cone-like thing to do that job more reliably.
A few notable features stand out relative to other options you might find:
Did a few test prints and have found them to clean up well, and stack very nicely.
Happy to receive feedback on how they worked for you!
The side-wall holes (besides reducing material) turn out to be nice for making them easier to handle with your fingers as well.
NB: Despite the visual similarity, the Spy vs Spy vibe is purely coincidental. :)
Needs supports, just down to the build plate to manage the 3point contact, but they're small.
The author marked this model as their own original creation. Imported from Thingiverse.