Europa Monolith scaled one in 500 thousand

The biggest monolith in the Space Odyssey series.
updated April 2, 2022



Originally published here: Europa Monolith scaled one in 500 thousand by tato_713 - Thingiverse

This is a scaled model of one of the monolith of the Space Odyssey series, written by Arthur C. Clarke, which lays on the surface of the Jupiter's moon Europa. The saga is best known after the novel 2001: A Space Odyssey, and the homonym film. This monolith does not appear in any film, but it's mentioned in 2010: Odyssey Two, 2061: Odyssey Three and 3001: The Final Odyssey. The exact size is never said, but it is likely to be about 20 km in its largest side, comparable with the Halley's Comet nucleus. This is far smaller than one's shown in artworks, comparable with the curvature of the jovian moon; however, it dwarfs all other monoliths of the saga. The model is just a cube with the sides proportion lengths of that of the other monoliths, 1:4:9, which is 12 22 32. Clarke's works are often consider to be hard science fiction, because he took care of same scientifically accuracy, but they also touch metaphysical themes.

The file's names explained:name_1_x_10_y.stl is 1 : x* 10y. So _1_6_10_7 is 1:600000000 or one in 60 million. 

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Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation. Imported from Thingiverse.


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