Titan with exaggerated topography scaled one in sixty million

The biggest moon of Saturn, the only moon in the Solar System with a substancial atmosphere.
updated May 4, 2021



Originally published here: Titan with exaggerated topography scaled one in sixty million by tato_713 - Thingiverse

This model was made using MATLAB R2016a on the DEM (digital elevation map) of Titan from Corlies et al (2017). Like with many of the coloured map based models I've made, there could be many feature artefacts of the colour-level decodification algorithm. Its relief is also exaggerated to make it more visible.

The file's names explained: name_1_x_10_y.stl is 1 : x* 10^y. So _1_6_10_7 is 1:600000000 or one in 60 million.

S6 Titan

Titan is the second biggest moon in the Solar System, the biggest of Saturn System, and the heaviest compared with it parent body of the gas giant planets moons. It is the only moon, and the smallest object, to have an stable, huge atmosphere. This is mainly composed by Nitrogen (98%) it is 1.45 times the pressure of that of Earth at the surface, and it is 1.19 times more massive. Titan atmosphere has a climate system, in which methane sublimate and form clouds. It is known that Titan has lakes and mares of liquid methane.

  • Type: Satellite. 
  • Orbit: Saturn 
  • Orbital period: 15.945 d. 
  • Composition: Silicate rock and Ice crust. Differentiated interior. Subsurface ocean. Nitrogen based atmosphere. 
  • Density: 1.8798 g/cm3. 
  • Dimensions: 5149.46 km. 
  • Model scale: 1:6x107 (8cm) 1:1.2x108 (4cm)


Other astronomical objects

Inner Solar System


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Jovian System

Saturn System

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Extrasolar Objects

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Science Fiction


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation. Imported from Thingiverse.


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