LDO & Voron under-extrusion serial plate mount

Serial Plate Mount for Voron LDO kits
updated December 25, 2024



This is a remix of the Voron serial plate to fit the LDO Serial Plate that comes with Voron LDO kits and mount it underneath a 2020 extrusion.

The under-extrusion mount uses two M3x12 SHCS and two M3 hammer nuts. Attach the serial plate to the mount with two M3x8 SHCS, then superglue the LDO serial plate to the mount.

You can also generate a flipped Voron serial plate in OpenSCAD using the instructions here and mount it the same way as the LDO serial plate mount, but make sure to reduce the height of the serial plate by 3mm (using Tinkercad, for example - see the example screenshot).

Use this code in the Voron_Logo_Plate.scad file in OpenSCAD to generate a flipped serial:

difference(font1, serial, logo) {    
rotate([0,0,0]) translate([length_to_move,0,0]) import(baseplate, center=true);    
rotate([90,0,0]) translate([0,5,-1]) linear_extrude(20) text(text=serial, font=font1, size=10, halign="center"); }

Printed in ABS using the Ellis PIF profile.

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Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Differences of the remix compared to the original

see full description 
