2W Sled for Odroid H2/H3/H3+

Remixed 2W sled to accomodate Odroid H2/H3/H3+.
updated September 3, 2023



Remixed sled for Odroid H2/H3/H3+

Aim was to create sled that would fit Odroid mounted with fan in no more than 2U. So the base is extruded to allow airflow and lower mounting. 2 SSDs are mounted in the back.


  • Mount for external power button 
  • Mount for 2x SSD
  • Small clips for 3mm cable tie to tie down the power button cord and sata/power cables leading to those drives
  • Optional mount for 92x92mm fan (2 holes on side are used for mouting the fan holder)
  • V8 Features a Slit to mount the ESP8266 Chip for UART (when connected properly allows console redirection) 

All holes are meant for M3 screws.

Optional fan mount is designed for 92x92 mm fan. The fan in photo is Noctua NF-A9x14. It is a low profile fan that keeps the whole thing under 2U Inside the rack


  • Odroid - 4x M3x8
  • 2x SSD - 4x M3x10
  • [OPTIONAL] - Fan Mount 2x M3x8
  • [OPTIONAL] - NF-A9x14 3x M3x20 (Change this one if using another fan)


Updated small extrusions to be more sturdy (especially the small cable tie mounts). Smoothed out the model.

RESOURCES (Mainly for ESP8266 console redirect):

Model origin

The author remixed this model.


Highlighted models from creator

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