Remix of the lower rear panel with 80mm fan mount, but mounted on the opposite side from the filament spool.
You can mount either 8010 or 8015 fans since it won't get in the way of the spool. For my build I used a 8015 Delta electronics fan (AFB0812HB). It has enough static pressure to push through the electronics to the exhaust holes.
Like the original there are two versions :
If anyone is wondering about the temps, they are much better than with the stock 3010 fan. during an ABS print, I get 40°C on the mcu AND on the RPi with the fan at around 40-50% speed.
I'll join the fan config I use (I found it on reddit a while ago but can't find the link to credit the author).
You can get the fan cover from the original Printables.
The author remixed this model.
Fan moved to the right side instead of being in the center → no interference with the spool