Robust AMS Riser - printable without support

A riser for the Bambu Lab AMS system that is very robust and can be printed without any support
updated December 19, 2023


You might want to consider having a better connection between your riser and AMS.
The printers, especially with the new vibration absorbing feet can really get moving!

I am using this riser now since one week and my P1S is printing every day. No issues so far. I think, it is important to dampen the printer correctly. For that I am using a 15mm anti-vibration mat under my printer. This reduced the movement and the noise significantly.

@blecheimer Curious if you recommend the 15mm mat over a concrete paver like I see many people use. Do you have a link to a specific mat? Thanks.

@aortiz94303_710638 Sorry, I do not have a link, I get those mats easily in the next hardware store.

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