Next Level Racing GT Lite Accessories

I've recently dipped my heel-toes into simracing...
updated February 13, 2021



I've recently dipped my heel-toes into simracing...

This led me to the decision that I can't truly simulate driving a race car without a cup holder and a phone mount.

The cup holder is pretty straight forward, although a little bit on the larger side. I've included the .step so it can be changed to whatever you need to fit. If you plan to put anything heavier than a can of soda or a recyclable water bottle, I'd thicken up the base a bit. It fits into the unused shifter bracket mount, and secures with the screw and nut.

The phone mount, is really just a mount for anything you want to put there. It zip-ties (Prusa MK3s kit zip-ties 165x2.5) onto the arm of the steering wheel bracket. There are numerous M4 threaded holes and a dovetail to mount things.

I've included both .step files in case you need to refine or change. Happy driving!

Print instructions

I printed both of these in Hatchbox ABS at 235c nozzle and 100c on the bed in a Prusa Lack and had no warping.

The cup holder was printed with the adaptive layer height, at mostly 0.25mm layers, 3 perimeters, 15% support cubic infill.

The phone mount was printed at .2mm layers, 3 perimeters and 15% support cubic infill. I should also note that the phone mount should be printed with the u-channel facing up, to ensure the smoothest surface exposed when mounted.


Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
