NIce easy to print Puzzle Box - great way to give a small gift. Once closed, the box is very eay to open - if you know how!
This is updated fifth (and I hope final) version in my "Puzzle Box" series...Now even harder to solve than before - on the previous versions, you needed two fingers, 180 degress apart around the end of the tube to open it up - this one will require 3 points of contact - I have also incorporated the ability to add a magnet to keep it closed.
I have seen people puzzle on this for an hour+ - but if you know how, you can intantly open the box - and retrieve the prize!
As with the previous version, this one has slots on both ends of the box to make it even more deceptive, and an indent at both ends to make it very hard to know which end opens up!
Printing Instructions
I printed mine with Red & Blue PLA+ - this box is an easy print, requiring no supports. One of the magnets needs to be added while the box is printing (if you wish to add the magnet). This magnet can be glued in when it is time to change filament (you can install the magnet later - but this is a lot easier).
I have include pre-sliced files, with the color change on the main box. The box comes as three parts: The main outer box, The inner drawer, and the back plate for the inner drawer. All box parts need to be printed with the same color, the only color change is with the outer box (the two 10mm bands)
When I sliced my prints, I added pauses for the color change - this color change, while not mandatory - helps sell the impossible nature even more!
On this New version of the box, you can use either 9.5 mm diameter x 1.5 mm wide magnets, or 12mm diameter x 3mm wide magnets - I have a hole-within-the-hole to allow lining up of either one.
When printing the main outer box, Install your magnet on the first color change (or add a pause). I used two part epoxy for my magnets - during the pause, mix up some epoxy, put it in the hole and drop in the magnet - both magnets need to be installed in the same orientation (both north or south pole pointing up) that will allow the drawer to be pulled in correctly.
The second magnet is installed in the drawer back plate - this can be done after printing has completed. Let the epoxy cure.
After printing - use super glue to connect the drawer back plate to the inner drawer box (see pictures). When gluing the drawer, make sure that the edges of the drawer are tightly pressed (no gaps) otherwise, the drawer may not fit (I have modiifed this version of the back to make it easier to position - this back is compatible with all other versions of this box)
After you are positive the glue has set (Don't glue the box and drawer together), slide the two halves together slowly and check for binding. Do Not close it all the way - If it binds too much - you will not be able to re-open the box - I used a nail file on the inner drawer to adjust fit.
Show me your prints!
The author marked this model as their own original creation.