A ball mount for cheap webcams for use with @Petclaud's camera arm. I had a $5 camera I got from aliexpress, but it wouldn't work with the existing mounts, so I made my own. Take a look at the photo, and if you have a similar camera, this mount will probably work for you.
This model is parameterized, so you can and should go into Fusion 360 and change it to fit your camera. You'll probably want to change “diameter” to get a snug fit for your camera, and “height” to tweak the vertical offset to get the camera level with the bed.
I recommend printing in PETG, using a relatively slow speed and and printing with a lot of perimeters. The “neck” can get thin and snap off otherwise. Mounts using M3 bolts, same as the mounts in the original.
The author remixed this model.