**This original config was made by Florian Greco, I just adjusted the config to be more in line for P1P usage**
The files in this post are made to be imported to Bambu Studio or Orca Slicer (I am using Orca Slicer), and can be used as potentially optimal profiles for the Printer, Filament, and Processing of the print. As a breakdown:
This print was made with only the part cooling fan, no enclosure or auxiliary cooling fan. I also am running stock everything else, so whatever machine you got out of the box, this profile should be close enough to work.
To import configs, go up to File > Import… > Import Configs. None of these profile names should overlap with existing ones, but in case it does, save your old ones under a new name.
The user re-uploaded this model. The user is not the original author of the model.