Prusa MK4 - USB Stick Case

I tried to pack the USB stick provided by Prusa neatly to achieve a nicer overall look of this amazing printer.
updated May 22, 2024



Printed in Prusament PETG Black, added the embossed text with PrusaSlicer on the blank lid.

It looks really nice, but I’m also a bit worried: The lower part isn’t supported, but offers now a rather big surface to „turn“ the whole stick within its socket. With just the stick that risk was way lower. There is a small gap in the middle of the display frame (see 4th photo), maybe adding a small supporting notch to the USB-Stick case that goes in there would provide some stabilizing support …

@Anheledir Hi, look at my version (inspired by that of BINGOPRINTS) which brings some improvements (

@dancan13f Looks great! Will give it a try and will post a make afterwards!

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