Oahu, HI Topographic Map with Coastal Outline for Glow in the Dark/Transparent Filament

Topographic Map of Oahu, Hawaii with a coastal outline made for glow in the dark or transparent filament.
updated August 12, 2023



Oahu, HI (Oahu) Topographic Map with Hydrographic Features

Oahu, HI dual color topographic map with a separate outline made for glow filament! Part of USA of Plastic collection.

Show off the outline of Oahu with glow in the dark filament or a second color!

Need a special location/map modeled and printed as a showpiece or gift? Contact me (maps@ansonliu.com) for design and production services to bring your idea to life!

Which files should you print? See ⭐ or 🌟 below:

The individual 3D printable 3MF files are cut for your convenience and fit together once printed. The files are in 3MF format instead of STL for smaller file size and in order to store separate land and water objects that are aligned for accurate dual color prints. 3MF is supported in Cura, PrusaSlicer, and other 3D slicers.

Oahu-dual.3mf ⭐Dual color model with land and outline features. The land has extra material going outwards that is the base for the outline to be printed on. Useful when you want to minimize the amount of material used for the outline due to abrasiveness of glow in the dark filament.
Oahu-dual-thru.3mf 🌟Dual color model with land and outline features. Outline features go all the way thru to the base of the model. Useful when the outline is in transparent or glow in the dark filament so that you get maximum light transmission.
Oahu-single.3mfSingle color model with land features and waterways as lines made for single extrusion printers.

Recommended print settings

Print the models as is with a dual extrusion printer. If you have a single extrusion printer, you can either print the *-single.3mf model or run two single extrusion prints utilizing the Z-hop method. This model can be sliced in half vertically and printed sideways in two halves for an interesting effect as well. 

You can scale the model up or down as needed to fit your printer size, the final map's scale will just be scaled accordingly. E.g. 200% scale on a previous scale of 0.4mm:1000m results in 0.4mm:500m

Download the optimized Cura print settings profile for topo maps here.

Cura may automatically scale the model by 10000% so you need to Select All Models (Ctrl+A) and manually set the Scale to 100% and X/Y/Z position to 0,0,0 for the models to show correctly. Merge (Ctrl+Alt+G) objects in Cura if you rotate them.

Printing this will test your 3D printer's XY precision, Z-axis stability, retraction, cooling, and oozing!

Slicer SettingRecommended Value (0.4 mm nozzle)
Layer Height0.1 mm
Line Width0.4 mm
Minimum Thin Wall Line Width0.2 mm
Top Surface Skin Layers2
Top Surface Skin PatternLines
Skin Overlap20%
Top/Bottom Flow100%
Top Surface Skin Flow100%
Infill and Infill PercentageLightning 30%
Ironing Line Spacing0.2 mm
Ironing Flow20%
Ironing Inset0.34 mm
Ironing Speed60 mm/s
Brim ExtruderExtruder 1 or 2
Ooze ShieldYes
Cartographic SpecificationValueNotes
ProjectionUTM zone 4N 
Horizonal Scale1:500000 (0.4mm:200m)Effective resolution is 200m x 200m.
Vertical Scale1:100000 (0.1mm:10m)Effective vertical exaggeration is 5x. Elevations 0-40m are scaled between 0 and 0.8mm on a logarithmic scale for enhanced coastal detail.
Maritime BoundaryNone 


USAofPlastic topographic map project uses data from NASA SRTM V3.0, USGS GMTED2010, USCB TIGER/Line, and Hawaii OPSD.

Tools used include QGIS, GDAL, GRASSGIS, TouchTerrain, Anaconda, GeoPandas, Matplotlib, Blender. Please attribute open data and support FOSS software.


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.
