Ultimate Prusa (MK4) casing

Extrutim's original Ultimate Prusa Casing but for your shiny new MK4.
updated February 28, 2024



Please support the original designer and check out their now updated (for MK4) original model that can be found here before considering this model as an alternative.


NEW! Modular version of this design is now available here.

I've loved Extrutim's Ultimate Prusa Casing ever since it was released. Unfortunately my MK3 was on a bear frame and I could never tweak the design to get an aesthetic I liked. However I have just finished the build of my MK4 kit and first port of call is to tweak this casing to work on the MK4. The biggest inconvenience is around clearance for the USB but I have managed to achieve enough clearance to still be able to remove and install the USB.

Installation is the same as the original where you start with the centre piece, attach the left or right filler section to it and then the corresponding side to that. Next install two side installation helpers, as per the photos, so that the side assembly can rest on them whilst you align the T-nuts. Then attach this sub assembly to the side of the frame using two M3 channel nuts (you can use these ones here T-Nut For 3030 Extrusion | T-Slot-Nut All Plastic by Extrutim | Download free STL model | Printables.com). Remove the two side installation helpers ready to be used on the opposite side. Now attach the opposite filler section to the central section and then attach the last side to the filler section and the other side of the frame using the installation helpers as before. As pointed out by mrkthmn you will need quite a long shank on your allen/"T" key to be able to reach down the hexagons and tighten down the bolts on the sides. From measuring the model the minimum length of shank you'll need is 75mm. There's also an installation time lapse here.

Bill Of Materials:

I've attached two .3mfs to show how I printed the sides to reduce material and prevent any shrinkage lines.

If you would like an alternate version with a symmetrical cutout please check out this model.

Any of the remixes from the original to fit into the hex pattern will all work the same so go and check them out.

Happy printing!!!

Update 23/08/2023:

Updated description to include mrkthmn's comment about needing a long shank allen key. Also reduced the depth of the 3 hexagons on each side where there is the frame cut out on the bottom of the print (in print orientation). This is to allow full compatibility with the original V6 nozzle drawers from Extrutim which can be found here.

Update 01/09/2023:

Added side installation helper file to help make side installation easier. Thank you mrkthmn for pointing out the need for this. I hope this simple tool helps make installation easier. I've also added some 3mm spacers to insert down the hexagons if you printed the sides from a download before 23/08/2023. These spacers are a pain to fit but will allow the V6 nozzle drawers to sit as they should. Please see attached images for where to install these spacers. Again apologies for missing this in the first release and for the pain that these spacers are to fit.

Update 09/09/2023:

Added link to installation time lapse.

Update 21/01/2023:

Added link to new modular version of the design.


Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Differences of the remix compared to the original

Redesigned to fit the Prusa MK4 with additional features to help make installation easier.
