I am converting my Ryper3d into a MMU3 system. With Ryper3d you don't need buffer, but with MMU3 you definitively do, so I am starting to print pieces. This alternate pieces for cassette seem to be effective. Printed in PETG

I am converting my Ryper3d into a MMU3 system. With Ryper3d you don't need buffer, but with MMU3 you definitively do, so I am starting to print pieces. This alternate pieces for cassette seem to be effective. Printed in PETG
Nice solution!
But I've printed the original pieces and was trying to get around those same issue myself before finding this remix.
Either ways I'm going forward with the solution I'm developing to check if it works, and if it works I'll publish it. What I'm doing is designing and fine tuning printable shafts and collets.
(well, the link is fixed, the site editor broke it!)
Amazon link don't work