Syringe adapter for epson clogged print head

Use with standart 75 syringe with cleaning fluid to fix clogged head.
updated January 29, 2021



Use with standart 75 syringe with cleaning fluid to fix clogged head. Tested with bathrom cleaner to fix my frint head and all works on first try...
Video how to prepare for cleaning

Should work whit these models (tested with EPSON XP960)
XP-600 XP-605 XP-700 XP-710 XP-720 XP-800 XP-810 XP-820 XP-510 XP-520 XP-615 XP-610 XP-605 XP-620 XP-625
XP-55 XP-750 XP-760 XP-850 XP-860 XP-950 XP-960
XP-530 XP-630 XP-830 XP-635 XP-540 XP-640 XP-645 XP-900 XP-7100
EP-707A / EP-708A / EP-777A / EP-807AB / EP-807AR / EP-807AW / EP-808AB / EP-808AR / EP-808AW / EP-907F / EP-977A3 / EP-978A3 / EP-979A3 / EP-982A3
EP-306 EP-706A EP-775A EP-775AW EP-776A EP-805A EP-805AR EP-805AW EP-806AB EP-806AR EP-806AW EP-905A EP-905F EP-906F EP-976A3

Print instructions

Tested with PETG with 100 infill and 0,15 detailed (to prevent holes in print) or with TPU....


Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.


Highlighted models from creator

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