I loved seeing Rope Series that JamesThePrinter has been making and it inspired me to figure out to create my own version.
Originally I explored parametric modeling, but I quickly ran into a plethora issues so I switched to Blender Geometry Nodes. (btw…they are amazing). After a lot of YouTube tutorials and weeks of messing around, I've got a version 1.0 of the Rope Wrap Node.
You simply an import a model—or create your own shape—into blender and with a couple clicks have a beautiful rope wrapped around the object. Export as an STL and print!
I'd love to see what you all make with this!
Single Geometry Node Connection Setup
Adjustable Settings
Slider: Rope Radius | Adjust the thickness of the rope |
Slider: Rope Twists | Adjust the amount of twist in the rope |
Toggle: Top Cap | Choose to cover or leave open the model top |
Toggle: Bottom Cap | Choose to cover or leave open the model bottom |
Toggle: Offset Bottom | Offsets the bottom of the spiral to fully cover model |
.Blend file is optimized for creating 3D printable models
The author remixed this model.