Spiral Rope Wrap Generator

A Blender file with a custom built Geometry Node that wraps rope around any cylindrical shape.
1h 36m
1× print file
0.25 mm
0.40 mm
10.00 g
updated August 3, 2023



I loved seeing Rope Series that JamesThePrinter has been making and it inspired me to figure out to create my own version.

Originally I explored parametric modeling, but I quickly ran into a plethora issues so I switched to Blender Geometry Nodes. (btw…they are amazing). After a lot of YouTube tutorials and weeks of messing around, I've got a version 1.0 of the Rope Wrap Node.

You simply an import a model—or create your own shape—into blender and with a couple clicks have a beautiful rope wrapped around the object. Export as an STL and print!

I'd love to see what you all make with this!



Single Geometry Node Connection Setup


Adjustable Settings

Slider: Rope RadiusAdjust the thickness of the rope
Slider: Rope TwistsAdjust the amount of twist in the rope
Toggle: Top CapChoose to cover or leave open the model top
Toggle: Bottom CapChoose to cover or leave open the model bottom
Toggle: Offset BottomOffsets the bottom of the spiral to fully cover model


.Blend file is optimized for creating 3D printable models

  • Unit length & scale is set to mm
  • Viewfinder grid & focal length set to correct scale


Current Limitations

  1. Top and bottom of object shape must be a perfect circle
    • This is a limitation due using a spiral curve to fill in the caps. In theory, I might be able to use a “Raycast” node to fix this, but I haven't figured that out yet

  2. Set/Apply object scale to 1.000 before connecting geometry node
    • Not doing this will cause the top & bottom of the model to scale incorrectly. I'm not sure how to fix this. Regardless, it is just a good blender practice to always reset your scale to 1.000 before applying any modifiers.
  3. Scaling in “Edit Mode” may causes issues with top & bottom geometry.
    • It seems like this might be based on the Transform Pivot point? I can't get this to replicate reliably.





Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Rope Coasters
by JamesThePrinter
Original model was switched to draft or deleted
Rope Koozie
by JamesThePrinter
Original model was switched to draft or deleted


Highlighted models from creator

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