Tool works perfectly, just subtract or add the values to the previous settings and your fine. Picture is after minor changes and a reprint.

Tool works perfectly, just subtract or add the values to the previous settings and your fine. Picture is after minor changes and a reprint.
Can these get resliced using a newer version of Prusaslicer with an input shaping profile? Or can a raw .3mf or .stl file be provided so that I can slice it myself?
@mblunt Up, I'm also interested
Yet another calibration for a sick XL. :(
At least it helps eliminate problems!
@wedgeworks and what @3DPrintMunich_66351 said… this test is obsolete. :/
@Prusa3D i think you guys should think about bringing the menu option for this back.
Not working with enclosure and the current firmware (6.3.1)
Super Sache um zu schauen ob alle Köpfe zueinander passen. Hatte da auch mal nen Video dazu gemacht weil es bei mir am Anfang nicht so gut klappte. Mittlerweile mit der 6.0.1. geht es, wie hier im Bild zu sehen, sehr gut.
Is it possible to provide gcode for 0.25mm and 0.8mm nozzles?
@Harsesis Just use the 0.4mm gcode with 0.25mm nozzles. Worked fine for me, and I was able to get rid of the offset
Good print for calibrating nozzle offsets! The picture is misleading though.