Three 3 digit counters stacked vertically
updated July 28, 2023



This is a three digit modular number counter remix. I wanted to have 3 different counters stacked above each other that could sit on a shelf in a weight room to track working weights for 3 different lifts in my workouts.

I put all 9 rings into a single stl file so they could be printed as a single job. As well as a job for 3 stems. This was done as a time saving measure and I was reasonably pleased with the results. Make sure to generate supports between the rings and stems as they are printed. 

Double check the supports on the rings so that support material isn't printed inside the crevices of the actual numbers on the rings, I did not do that so I had to spend a little time attempting to pick little plastic pills out of the numbers of the rings. This should not be difficult using paint on supports or organic supports etc, just be aware that prusa slicer's default support system did put extra material in there that I did not check before printing so I wound up with these little blemishes.


Model origin

The author remixed this model.
