Modified ARC P1P Spool Holder to add length (now 13.1cm) and additional arm for support.
updated August 27, 2023



Wanted to use Polymaker 3kg spools, so I modified it +5.2cm and added an extra arm for support that uses the top rear ARC acrylic mount and increased the pin length + increased pin diameter from 7.8 to 7.9mm to use the bearing for additional support.

Will need 8mm screw to replace the 6mm holding acrylic. Sized for 3mm acrylic per stock spec. Supports needed for pin and cutout.

Uses the same bearings and endcap/heat insert as the original ARC P1P holder.

Step files available if you want to adjust arm length or acrylic thickness.

Included an alignment stop that snaps onto the arm, to keep smaller spools from drifting. Mirror if you want to hide it in back. 

I also notched top of the roller that will fit the “lock” which slides on from the top and stores sliding below the roller. I got tired of the spools unwinding like crazy when changing filament. 

8/2/23: Updated arm to v2, added extra support on spool-side, even though it was fine before.

8/27/23: Added the OG end/arm and spacer from the original ARC and a 3mf file for a standalone project print.


Model origin

The author remixed this model.

ARC Bambu Lab P1P Enclosure
by thrutheframe
This source model was used for remixing before its license was restricted.
