SK: Pokazilo sa gumene tesnenie ktore zabranuje odtekaniu vody z umyvadla. Zlomila sa na tesneni jedna nozicka ktora drzala tesnenie v hornej polohe aby mohla voda z umyvadla volne odtekat. Ide o starsi typ umyvadla ktore IKEA uz nema v ponuke a samostatne tesnenie sa neda kupit. Tak som nakreslil a vytlacil nove tesnenie z materialu TPE od Gembird co som mal po ruke. Preto je to tesnenie cervenej farby. Neviem ci je tesnenie kompaktibilne s novymi odtokmi umyvadiel od IKEA. Treba vyskusat.
The rubber seal that prevented the water from draining from the sink has gone wrong. It broke into a single nozzle seal, which deals with the test to allow water to drain freely from the sink. It is an older type of washbasin that is offered by IKEA. So I drew and printed a new gasket from TPE from Gembird. Therefore, it is a red seal. I do not know whether the seal is compatible with the new washbasin drains from IKEA. Must be drawn.
Unassociated tags: rubber seal
Gembird TPE
The author marked this model as their own original creation. Imported from Thingiverse.