Chocobo Chick Benchmark

I wanted a benchmark for testing different filaments. However, I wanted something I would appreciate a collection of.
2h 52m
1× print file
0.15 mm
0.40 mm
18.00 g
updated August 26, 2019



I wanted a benchmark for testing different filaments. However, I wanted something I would appreciate a collection of. I don't care to have a fleet of Benchys or an army of Martians. These cute and nostalgic poltry are right up my ally.

This is a remix of the Chocobo chick high poly model by Kijai on Thingiverse.

Print instructions

I found that by putting support blockers between the legs and inside of the mouth I can generate supports from the bed that easily remove without breaking the spindly little legs or deforming the beak tips.

Printed at 0.15mm & 15% infill (that was overkill and I am going to see about knocking that down)


Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
