super skladacka len som musel obrusit spodnu osku ktora drzi model pokope...

Díky za hodnocení, s tolerancemi jsou vždy potíže, buď to hrká nebo nejde zasunout.
Zdraví Pavel
Amazing kit! Everything went together (fenders not bent yet, will do them tonight) and no parts got broken. I'll print another one as a gift for a friend, who's a Ford fan. :) Thanks for sharing this! EDIT: Now it's finished! :) (edited)
Nice model. Print without problems (only my mistake with colors🙂).
Tolerance for assembly is good, completed model is really solid.
Prusament PLA, 0.15mm
Děkuji Michale za hvězdičky, pokud budeš mít zájem, na mé kolekci " Automobil " mám řadu dalších myslím zajímavých modelů, buď " placatých " nebo skládačky a nejnověji několik slepovaných veteránů, možná už dnes přibyde Laurin&Klement A z roku 1905
Zdraví Pavel
Thank you for uploading this model. The tolerances at 100% are extremely tight. After breaking and reprinting multiple parts, building went fine. This was until I wanted to assemble the back. I came to the conclusion my build order must have been wrong because it is impossible to insert the back of the car without pliers and brute force. An English build instruction would have helped me. I am abandoning this build as I do not want to reprint more parts.
thank you for your interest in my models, I recommend you look at other similar models in my "Automobil" collection, the Kit Card Ford-T-4k max model has quite detailed photo instructions, you need to assemble them from the back.
I wish you all the best for the next prints and folding
Pavel (edited)
Thanks for the download, I recommend you to check out my " Automobil " collection, especially the latest model Kit Card Ford-T-4k max
have a good time, hello Pavel
Nice model. It was not so easy to assemble but I liked the final result. Thx
@GuillermoGon_1058150 My other models in the " Automobil " collection have greater tolerances, so they are easier to assemble. Have a nice day. Pavel
Ok super cool model for sure, the standard 100% size broke while assembling (I do not recommend 100%) as the tolerances are TIGHT.
So I decided to do 175% on my brand new Bambu P1P and it was way more forgiving and arguably more cool being bigger.
Attention future builders!!! Build the top pieces first, so the trunk then the carriage last the engine bad. Then attach them to the chassis in that order (trunk, carriage, engine bay).
Also you will need to use a heat gun to build this model otherwise it’s much harder to bend the parts without the plastic stretching causing blemishes.
Nice model and will serve as a great gift (put together) for a friend of mine.
check out my collection " Automobil "
@Honzal I surly will check out the collection! The colored wheels is an excellent idea too. You’re very skilled with these creations, keep up the great work.
What software did you use to design it?
@Honzal přecházím na Fusion z Blenderu takže v něm dost zvládám ale tyhle kartičkové modely mi stále moc nejdou. Dělal jsi to přes assembly a od oka nebo vše naměřené?
@MarekZeman91 vycházel jsem z hotového "plného" modelu auta a pomohl mi plech - rozvin.
Pospojování jsem dělal až v sliceru přidáním pásečku, který jsem přidal do galerie a pak jsem vše označil a dal spojit. Metoda možná primitivní ale povedlo se. Jde to i opětovně rozdělit a opravit.
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