Sodastream bottle cap (en Español)

We like to fill up our sodastream bottles with still water and keep them in the fridge until we're ready to use them.
updated January 19, 2021



We like to fill up our sodastream bottles with still water and keep them in the fridge until we're ready to use them. The only problem is, it can get confusing trying to keep track of what's carbonated and what isn't!

I made these cap toppers (cap caps?) to put the uncarbonated bottles. That way, when someone takes out a bottle to carbonate, they can take off the top cap and no more confusion!

They're in Spanish because the typography looked better that way. Plus, now they can do double duty on your nitrous tank at parties!

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Category: Kitchen & Dining Summary

We like to fill up our sodastream bottles with still water and keep them in the fridge until we're ready to use them. The only problem is, it can get confusing trying to keep track of what's carbonated and what isn't!

I made these cap toppers (cap caps?) to put the uncarbonated bottles. That way, when someone takes out a bottle to carbonate, they can take off the top cap and no more confusion!

They're in Spanish because the typography looked better that way. Plus, now they can do double duty on your nitrous tank at parties!


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation. Imported from Thingiverse.
