Honeycomb Wall Holder for Flashlight (OLIGHT i5T eos)

A Honeycomb Storage Wall Holder for a small Flashlight (OLIGHT i5T eos)
updated June 27, 2023



This is a holder keeping your OLIGHT i5T eos flashlight nicely on your Honeycomb Storage Wall (HSW) for easy retrieval.

The hole has a diameter of 18.1mm and a height of 19.5mm, so any other flashlight or object with a max. these dimensions will fit.


How to print

The empty insert is already attached to the holder, so there is no need to print any additional parts.

Either use some support for the insert or - if you don't care how the insert looks like on the bottom side, simply print wihtout support and scrape off any unclean parts of the print (this worked absolutely fine for me, resulting in a good press fit).

I suggest to stick with the original suggestions for printing holders and inserts for the honeycomb wall: Use any material you like (I used red PETG), with layer height of 0.2mm, 4 perimeters and 20% infill



Model origin

The author remixed this model.
