The witcher old world deluxe box organizer + all expansions

I tried to make an organizer for witcher old world + all expansions
updated October 18, 2023



Closing note
If you like the little project a like and make will make me happy seing what i've done is not just for my crazzyness XD and actually helped the people.
***UPDATE 1.2***
The very last bit, i added the legendary monster tray and yes there is space to put eredin there, i will add him to my box as i purchased him , but this is where i will end the project and if anyone feels that they want to make it better or do a remix, go wild boys  i will wait for your crazyness.
On another point please also print the box closer, i printed 4 like in the picture i will post here after the bambuu printer finishes them, but that's the single way to close the box :D

***UPDATE 1.1***
Soo going further with this project → uploaded the box holding the minitures
this comes in a big box for big printers
this also comes in cuted boxes for small printers

yes trying to go for one box, i need to add one more box
keep in check for the last box

I tried to make one for the deluxe box, sadly i needed more space beucase there is tooooooo much content, sadly i'm one of those guys that could not afford the kickstarter and the store that sold this did not had the big box :/, soo i made something for everyone so we could be happy at least by not having 5-6 boxes

main deluxe box will have like 90% of the stuff
the box with ciri will house some miniatures and all the monsters with flavour text :D, i say it's better than having all those boxes :D

if you like it, print it, show it and give me a like, happy printing and playing


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.
