This case can house a Raspberry Pi 4 together with an buck converter (stepdown). That way you can easily connect the Pi to your 3D Printers PSU or any other device that supplies between 5V-40V.
I designed 2 versions of the case, one that will fit any Prusa i3 MK3/S (see photos) and one regular case. You could use the Prusa version and use it as a wall mount as well.
Everything is built to snap fit. You have the option to use screws as well.
The lid has holes for a 40x40x10mm fan.
M3 x 6 mm screws would work best to secure the Pi & Stepdown. For the lid, M3 x 10 (or 12) sunkhead.
The case only works for the Raspberry Pi 4. Take a look here for my old design for other Raspberrys:
Stepdown Buck Converter I used:
Short USB Cable:
40mm Fan:
The author remixed this model.
Removed the WIP State as many people have successfully printed this :)