Appleberry G5 - Raspberry Pi 3B / 4B in Apple Power Mac G5 case

Put your Raspberry Pi 3B / 4B in a case stylized as unique looking Apple Power Mac G5
28 k
updated December 5, 2024



So cool. Printed very well. My son is enjoying his "first" computer.

Printed with:
- SA Filament PLA (Dark Grey)
- Creality CR PLA (Fluorescent Yellow)

I love this so much, but I do believe that it would be quite nice to change the name to Apple Pi G5😊

@EliahHaaland_1239636 I'm pleased that you liked the design. Well it's too late to change name - it has been referred as Appleberry too many times across the internet Haha 😂

Amazing Model. Can you make a version for the orange pi plus 2e. That would be amazing. I will be the first to download it now

THis is the link for the cad of it:

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@JjwjwWjuwuw_2576554 Thanks for letting me know that there are pi - clones that should be taken care of. I have a plan to make the project easier to modify and more models supported. Thank you for interesting in my design and feedback 💛

@StawiamKlocki_pl you are awesome! can you please do a quick version for mine right now?

such an awesome design! Did anybody try to remix it to fit raspberry 5 with cooler?

did I do something wrong? I cannot instert internal into main case? It is too tight a guess :( (edited)