Edit (2023/10/01):
There is now an updated version of this model available here: https://www.printables.com/model/600333-dragon-that-hangs-on-your-monitor
Back by popular demand!
Finally got around to finishing the model, so here it is. I added wings to the model and included files that allow you print as one piece or separately, or even just the original model with no wings.
The original file also had some scale issues (pun not intended), whereas this one should be fixed. If your slicer asks you, the units in the file are measured in mm. The finished model is about 15 cm tall from top to bottom, with a wingspan of about 12 cm.
Should you choose to print the wings and body separately (recommended), the wings slot in neatly to the main body.
As before, I've included both .stl files for each part as well as the original .blend file to make it easier for others to remix it if they want.
I think I'm done with this one for now, but I may think of other things to add in the future, such as making a wyvern variation.
The end result should hang on any thin (< 2.5cm) square corner. Depending on the exact geometry of wherever you decide to put it, it may require a little help to stay stuck there. I stuck its foot to the back of my monitor with a lump of blutack I had lying around, although I'm sure some tape would work just as well.
It also occurs to me now that an SLA printer might be more suited to making this model, but I don't own one. If you've got one and decide to give it a try, please post pictures of your make! I'd love to see how it turns out.
Edit (2023/06/14):
I found an issue that was causing empty layers in people's slicers. Turns out that I made the wings too thin near the top, so chunks of them wouldn't print in certain orientations. Every file except for "dragon_no_wings.stl" has been replaced with a more updated, fixed version.
Edit (2023/06/16):
While working on a different project, I stumbled across the cause of the other missing layers issue. In addition, I slightly thickened the wing membranes and reoriented them so that their default orientation in your slicer is better for printing. All files have been properly updated.
Printing Notes:
The wings need supports to be able to print properly, and I found that they were difficult to remove cleanly, so I recommend printing the wings hollow-side up so that the messy part won't be as visible.
For the body, I printed it standing up with tree supports. I ran into a couple of issues with the print head knocking over supports, so I strengthened them and added a zhop of 2mm to be safe. The supports came off surprisingly clean, leaving minimal marks on the surface. However, the zhop I added resulted in a host of tiny hairs coming off the model which I had to trim at the end with a pair of clippers.
If I had to print it again, I'd probably pick a higher resolution.
The author marked this model as their own original creation. Imported from Thingiverse.