Spider like incy wincy spider kids nursery rhymes

Spider like incy wincy spider kids nursery rhymes
updated July 23, 2023



My daughter is in love with incy wincy spider, she often wants us to sing the nursery rhyme to her, and I wanted to print her a spider to use as a toy (always under adult supervision, I don't trust small 3d printed components very much, entrusted to a 1 1/2 year old girl), the spider from E3D's project lends itself very much to my purpose, but always to increase safety, I preferred, to build a solid base to keep the spider's legs tied together, trying to prevent them from breaking easily.

My daughter has already been playing with it for a few months and it is okay

Of course, I take no responsibility for your use of the .stl


PRINT SETTINGS: (my advice is to upsize it 150/200%)

Nozzle: 0.4mm

LH: 0.2

LW: 0.4

Loop: 4

Infill: 20/25%


Model origin

The author remixed this model.


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