I didn't get around to putting the stickers on my build plates but will get around to it soon.

I didn't get around to putting the stickers on my build plates but will get around to it soon.
Worked perfect! Printed the labels on vinyl sticker paper so i can easily stick them on or exchange them later if necessary. I have plenty of lables left!
Good idea! Printed great, except the magnet holes were a tiny bit big, but super glue fixed that!
Thank you for this design. The Right side template matched perfectly with my Bambu plate and the 3rd party plate.
The Left side template did not match exactly with my Bambu plate. The notch on the back was off by about 1/8". Thankfully, I estimated the error from the Bambu plate and applied my sticker accordingly.
I just tested the Left side sticker (Textured PEI Plate) and it worked great. No error message about wrong type of plate!