UPDATE Jan 26th, 2025
Added an updated vesion fo the stand Switch Pro Controller stand- zelda remix_v2.stl removed the hole made by the trifoce emblem hole
so now you can put the glue in to paste the trifoce emblem
UPDATE Jun 5th, 2023:
Fixed the logo to fit without problems, no need to sand it or force it with hammer, uploading version 2 of it, please print logo_v2.stl instead
remix from https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5176983
gotta sand the logo a bit and then use a hammer to make it fit
0.4mm Nozzle, 0.2mm Layer height
Please post your makes! :)
The author remixed this model.
remix for a zelda theme
instead of nintendo switch logo, the tiforce emblem logo