Original chain fabric inspired by Flowalstik's Chainmail on Thingiverse, created in OpenSCAD. The sheets can be connected to form even larger sheets; I've connected sheets up to a size of about 6x7 sheets, around 5x5 feet.
## Advantages
Very light weight (~2 kg. for ~5x5ft sheet)
Fast print time (7.5h for 10x12in sheet on my MK3)
Designed for rapid printing; default settings optimized for mass production
Easy to connect sheets (connector pieces built-in)
Compact when printed
Customizable (to any size)
Link can turn in place
Corners can flip
I recommend printing the 5x5 sheet first to confirm that it prints without issue. I also recommend PETG as the links are very small and are thus fragile in PLA; however, I have assembled massive sheets in PLA without issue.
The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.