Makita Vacuum Concentrator Fitting

I managed to misplace (lose!) my vacuum concetrator fitting for my Makita DCL180Z 18V LxT vacuum cleaner.
updated January 2, 2023



I managed to misplace (lose!) my vacuum concetrator fitting for my Makita DCL180Z 18V LxT vacuum cleaner. The concentrator is a useful fitting, so decided to design and print a replacement part.

My concentrator part is about 130mm long. Printing a longer length nozzle would need to be printed with a "raft" to improved the print bed surface area adherence. The shorter length nozzle is quite effective and works nicely.

I hope that you can find this print useful, too.

Remember to leave me some feedback or even a tip to keep me enthused to make more of these drawings.

Print instructions

My print is made in PETG 2.75mm 3DFillies blue filament, with 0.2mm layer height and 100% infill on a PRUSA I3 MK3S printer.


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.
