Nozzle scrubber for Voron 2.4
I was having issues with oozing with my Revo Hot End and it was throwing off the Z Calibration plugin. So I designed this with parts I had to hand. Works a treat!
Print at standard Voron parts settings. Cut the ring down to squares that are 1-2mm above the bed. Slot the silicone squares into the printed part body. Pierce holes in the Silicone by pushing a Hex key through the side hole, secure with M3x30mm SHCS. Part is fixed to the opposite extrusion side to Z endstop switch, using M3x8mm SHCS & T-nuts
In the macro set your X & Y positions - X Start is to the right of the scrubber.
Macros (Klipper):
Macro taken from
macro into your PRINT_START
[gcode_macro CLEAN_NOZZLE]
variable_start_x: 265
variable_start_y: 300
variable_start_z: 1
variable_wipe_dist: -33
variable_wipe_qty: 5
variable_wipe_spd: 150
{% if "xyz" not in printer.toolhead.homed_axes %}
{% endif %}
G90 ; absolute positioning
## Move nozzle to start position
G1 X{start_x} Y{start_y} Z{start_z} F{wipe_spd * 60}
## Wipe nozzle
{% for wipes in range(1, (wipe_qty + 1)) %}
G1 X{start_x + wipe_dist} F{wipe_spd * 60}
G1 X{start_x} F{wipe_spd * 60}
{% endfor %}
v1.2 - Added 4mm Spacer for kinematic bed mounts
v1.1 - Add M3x30 SHCS to retain silicone pads
v1 - Initial Release
The author marked this model as their own original creation.