Wearable Skyrim Dragon Priest Mask with stand

This is a model of the dragon priest masks from Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. The mask is wearable, and includes a stand.
updated May 25, 2023



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This is a model of the iconic dragon priest mask from the popular game Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. The model was made to look like the design/style from the game instead of some of the models that flattened backs to print flat on the bed. There are holes toward the back of the mask that allow for strings/bands so that you can wear the mask. I also included a stand to print with it (one that has the text “Morokei,” one that has the text “Krosis,” and one that has a blank nametag) so that it can be displayed without hanging onto a wall, but the top of the mask is slanted to accommodate wall mounting as well. Since the mask is not my original IP, the model can be downloaded for free. For full project details, visit our website at www.makeitlabchannel.com.

Printing Details: 

I printed the masks with the following settings:
3D Model slicer: Cura version 4.13.1
3D Printer: Ender 3 Max
Layer Height: 0.2 mm
Nozzle temperature: 215 degrees C
Bed temperature: 60 degrees C
Retraction speed: 45 mm/s
Retraction distance: 6 mm
# of walls: 3 
Print speed: 30 mm/s 
Infill percentage: 15%
Infill pattern: Gyroid
Support type: Cura Tree Supports
Support density: 0%
# of support walls: 1
Support interface pattern: Grid
Build plate adhesion: Brim (brim line count of 8)


Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Skyrim Dragon Priest Mask
by FusedCreations (thingiverse.com)
