Nozzle Z Offset Search - Sovol SV06 Version

Test squares that vary in Z from -0.05 mm to +0.05 mm to fine tune a printer nozzle's Z offset.
2× print file
0.30 mm
0.60 mm
0.40 mm
1.00 g
Sovol SV06
updated February 23, 2024



Note that this model has been superseded by this new test square. I find it easier, as well as being faster, covering a wider range of nozzle offsets, and having a finer resolution.


This is a test print to help fine tune a printer nozzle's Z offset. It prints squares that range from -0.05 mm to +0.05 mm in height. See picture for the square layout. 

All gcode files are meant for PLA and use a bed temperature of 60 C and a hotend temperature of 200 C, with a travel speed of 50 mm/s. Retraction is 1.0 mm. Gcode for 0.6 mm and 0.4 mm nozzles has been provided. I can add other options upon request.

Note that these files are for the stock Sovol firmware only. If you are running a custom firmware, you'll need to customize the gcode files with your specific initialization and finalization gcode. Search for the comments “; printer init gcode” and “; printer cleanup end gcode”. Or, you can slice the model provided and edit the gcode to add the Z height offsets. Note that slicers can print the squares in an unintuitive order, so be sure to match up the offsets correctly.

If you do create a test pattern for your specific firmware, please post it as a remix so others can use it too. Thanks!

Before using this, make sure your nozzle's height has been approximately dialed in. Otherwise, in theory it could hit the bed if your nozzle is set much too low. Additionally, it is presumed that your printer's ABL has been set up properly so the minor Z offsets will be useful for refining the nozzle height.


Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Differences of the remix compared to the original

Added Sovol SV06 initialization and finalization gcode.
