Miyoo 355 Rough Mockup

A rough mockup of the upcoming Miyoo 355, based on the available renders
updated May 3, 2023



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This model is a rough mockup of the Miyoo 355, based on the available renders. Check out the 355 thread in the Rumor Mill forum on the Retro handhelds Discord for more information and discussion.

Note that this is NOT intended to be a 1:1 exact copy of the renders. In fact, I got lazy especially on the back and shoulder buttons. In general though, I believe the buttons, sticks, screen and overall dimensions to be fairly accurate.

Print with the flat face down for both parts, slot the two parts together then feed some 1.75mm filament through the holes to connect them. You may need to bore the holes a little if it doesn't fit (I used a 2mm gimlet on mine).


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.
