Vent Cover - Parametric

OpenSCAD square and rectangular air vent covers. Commonly used sizes in .stl format: 100mm, 125mm, 150mm and others.
updated June 20, 2023



This is a set of customizable air vent covers that you can make with OpenSCAD. They have a rectangular shape and don’t need any supports to print.


Note that the .stl files in this set have some features in common:

  • The wall and fin thicknesses are 1.5mm and 1mm, respectively.
  • The tube and plate radiuses are 6mm and 10mm, respectively.
  • The sizes are 0.2mm smaller than the actual dimensions to allow some space for fitting.


You can adjust the parameters in the .scad file to suit your needs. There are no prebaked offsets in the .scad file, so I suggest you change the size of the dimensions by subtracting 0.2mm from the desired length (e.g., use 99.8mm for a 100mm height/width). This may vary depending on your printer calibration.


You can also make a solid plug by setting the finAngle variable to 0.


Here is a list of values that can be changed in the .scad file:

tubeXtube width
tubeYtube height
tubeHhow far tube goes into a hole ;)
tubeRtube rounded corners radius (0 for sharp corners)
plateXplate width
plateYplate height
plateRplate rounded corners radius (0 for sharp corners)
finHgrid fins height
finAnglegrid fins angle (creates a solid plate if set to 0)
finAmountgrid fins amount
gridDividersamount of grid fin dividers to support long fins (0 for no dividers)
tubeWallTwall thickness of tube part
gridWallTgrid fins wall thickness
plateTplate thickness

There is also a small lip on the plate's outer edge for better fitment. You can adjust its parameters as well:

  • plateLipH - lip height
  • plateLipT - lip thickness

You can remove the lip (or any other part) by commenting out the corresponding module call, like lip();.


For round vent covers check out:

Round Vent Cover - Parametric


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.
