Stargate SG-1 Multi-material

Remixed from the 3 sources listed. The ring is approximately 190mm diameter and the height with the stand is 205mm.
updated July 29, 2019



I have remix your horizon puddle for Martin's stargate. Looks great. Thanks!

I was looking at my finished print today and thought... "if only the center was a clock."

I decided to skip the center portion and display it in an inactive state.

Great recommendation from Tonimansi below who suggested the Fillamentum Crystal Clear Iceland Blue PLA, which I literally JUST received today ... looks great in my "Atlantis" version of the gate with the blue chevrons :)

Favourite model I have ever printed

It came out just great, and using Fillamentum crystal clear iceland blue for the horizon make it look gorgeous!

Greetings, after a few hours of printing I finished the Gate. Since the 3D Print come out so great and my blue PLA had some transparency effect I decided to add some illumination. I designed a simple backplane for the LED and to spread the light as equals as possible.
Pictures attached. Cheers! (edited)

Awesome Model! Paired with thin layer of resin and blue metalic filament the event horizon looks absolutely incedible.

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