Customizable Bow Tie

A humble bow tie, with added flare.
updated November 18, 2020



A humble bow tie, with added flare. This is a tie that can be customized simply by printing the pieces in different colors. Psst, if you don't have a lot of filament colors, you can spray paint the parts before assembling. There are two tie bases; one with an open back, and one with a solid back. The solid back will be a little harder to assemble. The are two tie patterns: strips or crosses. You will need two of each type of pattern you want. The patterns simply fit into slots in the tie base. There is a slot on the back to fit the clasps; secure the tie with your chosen 3/8in wide fabric.

Print instructions

I preferred to print the pattern pieces without perimeters. It seems to help them flex better. Printing the pattern pieces in a low layer height may also help depending on settings.


Model origin

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