About: I thought that it would be fun to design a pick that is matching my Hex ukulele . I also love new features of Prusa Slicer 2.6 alpha 6 (especially Klipper support). So combining those things with Hex font i found - I have created a pick that you can customize directly in Prusa Slicer.
Steps to print this pick: Install Hex font (available here ) Open proper 3mf file in Prusa Slicer (2.6 alpha 5 or newer). Change Printer and filament and other settings to whatever works with your printer On plater tab double click the text part of the pick to open text settings Edit text (see below for instructions) Slice Check if there is a color change in your sliced file and if it is on correct layer. If not - add one. How to edit the text The details are in the PDF attached to the font. Below short instruction.
The text will have four characters: The number for frame (1 - thinner, 3 - thicker, other - fancy decorative - check PDF) Left letter (use small letter, like ‘h’) Middle letter (use capital letter, like ‘E’) Right letter. This can be a hard one:Use your system character map (For Windows press Win+R
and type charmap.exe
) Select Hex
font. Scroll down to user defined letters (starting at U+E000) Copy letter you want and paste it to Prusa Slicer. That's it :). You can print multiple picks with different texts.
PS. Don't forget to print Hex ukulele that is matching this picks ;)
Added text example
Added text after slicing
Subtracted text
Subtracted text after slicing
Bulk print:
The author remixed this model.