Hex Guitar Pick (Customizable in slicer)

This is hex guitar pick - designed to be my my hex ukulele. You can customize it in Prusa Slicer 2.6 alpha 5.
In the contest Musical Instruments
updated July 16, 2023




I thought that it would be fun to design a pick that is matching my Hex ukulele. I also love new features of Prusa Slicer 2.6 alpha 6 (especially Klipper support). So combining those things with Hex font i found - I have created a pick that you can customize directly in Prusa Slicer.

Steps to print this pick:

  • Install Hex font (available here)
  • Open proper 3mf file in Prusa Slicer (2.6 alpha 5 or newer).
  • Change Printer and filament and other settings to whatever works with your printer
  • On plater tab double click the text part of the pick to open text settings
  • Edit text (see below for instructions)
  • Slice
  • Check if there is a color change in your sliced file and if it is on correct layer. If not - add one.

How to edit the text

The details are in the PDF attached to the font. Below short instruction.

The text will have four characters:
  1. The number for frame (1 - thinner, 3 - thicker, other - fancy decorative - check PDF)
  2. Left letter (use small letter, like ‘h’)
  3. Middle letter (use capital letter, like ‘E’)
  4. Right letter. This can be a hard one:
    1. Use your system character map (For Windows press Win+R and type charmap.exe)
    2. Select Hex font.
    3. Scroll down to user defined letters (starting at U+E000)
    4. Copy letter you want and paste it to Prusa Slicer.

That's it :). You can print multiple picks with different texts.

PS. Don't forget to print Hex ukulele that is matching this picks ;)



Added text example

Added text after slicing

Subtracted text

Subtracted text after slicing

Bulk print:





Model origin

The author remixed this model.
