Love it!
Printed one for c-base in glow-in-the-dark green on black - really nice.
What would make it even more awesome: if you could publish the source-file so we can change the font to our font.

Love it!
Printed one for c-base in glow-in-the-dark green on black - really nice.
What would make it even more awesome: if you could publish the source-file so we can change the font to our font.
@ligi_2462481 Looks awesome - I hope it is still working out for you. I've uploaded the Fusion and STEP files if you are still interested. I apologize for the delay, I kept telling myself that I would clean things up and then upload but just wasn't finding the time.
Any chance you have a remixed version or able to send a blank so i can make a x air model? :)
@shonggie_1120949 I've uploaded the Fusion and STEP files if you are still interested. I apologize for the delay, I kept telling myself that I would clean things up and then upload but just wasn't finding the time.