Updated - FLSUN V400 OrcaSlicer Profiles

Here are some updated profiles for OrcaSlicer 1.9 - 0.4 and 0.6 nozzles
updated January 19, 2024



Hello RenanAz. Thanks for the profiles. I had some trouble in getting OrcaSlicer in the right mood to slice for the FLSunV400. Your profiles are a great help.
Just one question: Why do you crank up the bedtemparure up to 80 / 75ºC. My objects sticj perfectly at lower temps. 65/60º will do.

Why when i lunch a print the nozzle move in Z, lower than my z calibration in klipper ??
The z hight of the nozzle when is primed on the edge is correct but after than the z move down

@DorianSigne_1813689 You are probably using a start print macro that does priming or something. Make sure you use the correct files here - Vanilla Klipper is if you fully reinstalled it from scratch.
FLsun klipper is if you are using what the manufacturer provided.

We agree that vanilla is v400 originally without root and without changes and the other file is for klipper guilouz or other config

@Bahoue_558039 Vanilla is Guilouz - standard Klipper
FLSun klipper is whats originally loaded
The only difference is the Start Gcode macros in the Printer profile

@RenanAz Oh ok, thanks for the clarification. I'll test your configurations tonight.

hi it is only copying 2 out of the 3 profiles in your list not copying the 0.2mm file any ideas ???

@warriors_450758 Ive added updated profiles, easier to import.

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