IF you downloaded this before - please re-download the files. I had mistakenly uploaded the wrong files (top piece vs bottom). thanks!
Just ordered a Bambu P1P and thought it would be good to build a LACK shelf to house it. The vertical height of the Lack tables from Ikea was a little too short, needed another 150mm (i think) to make it work. I had already printed and loved the Lack Stack which allowed me to stack 2 lacks, i found a great 150mm extension, so i merged them in tinkercad. my current printer is an Ender3 v2 and will take 2 days to print one leg, so i'm still in the process of printing this. Note that the model is upside down, so that i can print the stack connection properly on the top. This meant that the place where the legs insert into the piece is at the bottom and needs support. I am using tree support for the bottom, and support blockers for the top. I have uploaded my sliced gcode as a reference, but you should do your own. hope this helps someone, and hope my print gets done soon - i'll upload pictures when they finally get done… added a 180mm version, since 30mm is taken by inserting the leg into the print.
The author remixed this model.