All parts printed in PCCF, for longevity and I just love how it looks. The cable connector in Prusament PC Blend Orange

All parts printed in PCCF, for longevity and I just love how it looks. The cable connector in Prusament PC Blend Orange
a changelog or a list of updated parts would be grate would to keep this awesome machine up to date
z-axis bearing housing, printed in orange Prusament PETG. Replaced because XL got a hair up it's @$$ and drove toolhead #1 into the right side Z-axis, melted the housing and damage the toolhead. Orange looks better, anyway!
Needed replacement corexy motor mounts that were broken. Easy printing without supports needed.
Can I have a XL for Free?
Updating the main cable connector cover to hopefully avoid future problems (edited)
looking for xl CABLE CHAIN linkage to print. Where can i find it!?
Can we get the STEP model of the new Dwarf connector? I'm having trouble stuffing the cable wrap into the jaws of the connector. I snapped a few already. I would like to modify it so that it accepts a screw and locknut on both sides.
Is there a list somewhere that details why the parts were updated from the original ones, so we can make an informed decision if we should print & replace / upgrade parts on our printers? Thanks.
What should the new dwarf connector be printed out of? I'm assuming pc-cf if using an enclosure? Given the Prusament PC-CF is often sold out, would ASA be ok?