This is a Remix of the Customizable Back Horn Speaker by Chris Hill. I changed the diameter for the speaker chassis to 66mm and made the whole case a little bit smaller. Also there is no extra space for any PCBs. I left some room for speaker connection terminals.
As speaker I used Visaton FR7 2.5". The speaker connection terminals have 3mm holes and an mounting distance of 45mm. The cutout for them is 20mm wide. So it is possible to put them through when the terminals are already soldered to the chassis.
It is better to use more flexible cables (1 mm²). Then the back plate snaps in and holds good. I used stiffer cables and it just holds in there…
But they are not good. If you want to use the back plate, buy terminals which are 20mm in height and have a hole distance of 45mm. Holes are for M3 Screws. Don't tighten the screws, back plate will bent and does not hold. Unfortunately, I designed and printed the speaker housing before I wanted to use the terminals :).
Parts needed:
The author remixed this model.
Remix for Visaton FR7 2.5"