The model borrowed elements from this model on Printables, the illusion idea and 1 part was used to remix the portal in my illusion.
The UFO abduction illusion toy This is a multi use toy. Its an UFO abduction illusion primarily but can be used as a fidget spinner or a stick spinner, see video. Makes a great desk accessory, useful when on a phone conference but just listening, All parts are designed to print without supports. All parts print in their natural vertical orientation with the exception of the connecting rod and the saucer bottom. The connecting rod (3 of them) you will print laying flat on the bed. The saucer bottom prints inverted with the top touching the bed. .2mm layers should work as they did for me. You only need to glue or Gloop the saucer together, there are holes in the top and bottom for a small piece of filament for alignment. I added a Southern hemisphere after making the video, did not want my southern hemi friends to feel left out, plus we all know the UFO base is in Antarctica.
The abduction guy gets glued on the portal as seen in the video.
I used fluorescent filaments for the portals I printed for the video, I like how they look, glow would work well here too. If you want just the illusion you could glue the portal into the UFO.
I hope you enjoy this model [DWTC]
The author remixed this model.